Quick Thinking, Accuracy & Attention To Detail Give Valiente An Edge
Like most people, attorney Antonio F. Valiente will be spending some time out of the office this summer. However, he will still be hard at work even while on vacation. Valiente is competing in the skeet shooting event at the Pan American Games in Lima, Peru in hopes of qualifying for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
Valiente has only been a competitive shooter for about five years, but in that short amount of time, he has established himself as a real sharpshooter and a fierce competitor. One of the reasons why he has had so much success in the sport in such a short amount of time is the overlap between competitive shooting and working as a criminal defense attorney. Both endeavors require quick thinking, accuracy, and attention to detail.
Quick Thinking
The type of shooting Attorney Valiente does is international style skeet shooting. The shooter starts with their shotgun at hip level and must raise the gun to their shoulder, take aim, and fire once a clay target is released. This is an incredibly difficult skill to master, but the fact that it is challenging is what makes it so appealing.
Being swift to react, and having the experience necessary to make a quick reaction appear effortless is a skill that Attorney Valiente honed in the courtroom. During his time as a public defender, and now in private practice, he has spent thousands of hours in Miami-area courthouses. His experience allows him to react quickly when his client is in need.
In an international skeet shooting competition, missing just one shot can make the difference between moving on to the next round or heading home. The high-stakes stress causes many shooters to crack, but to Attorney Valiente, it is nothing compared to the pressure he faces as a criminal defense attorney.
Antonio knows that his clients are depending on the actions he takes and the arguments he makes to keep them out of jail — and sometimes, literally, save their lives. Their future is in his hands. He takes this responsibility incredibly seriously and carefully guards against preventable mistakes or tactical errors that could hurt his client’s case.
Attention to Detail
Being a successful skeet shooter means you have to anticipate where the clay target will be and take aim at that spot rather than firing at the point your eyes are telling you the target is at now. Making these calculations, and fighting the impulse to shoot too soon, is only possible if you take into consideration the trajectory of the target, your familiarity with your gun, and your sense of how other factors like the humidity or the wind will impact your shot.
Attorney Valiente takes a similar approach to every criminal case he handles. He knows the law, he is familiar with the judges in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties, and he carefully analyzes all the facts in the case which might impact the outcome. From there, he develops his strategy and gets to work.
A Knowledgeable Advocate For Gun Owners
Attorney Valiente’s success on the range has helped him make a name for himself in the world of competitive skeet shooting, but it has also made him a passionate advocate for the rights of gun owners. He appreciates how important it is to respect the rights of gun owners, even as the public has become more skeptical of such rights.
If you have been charged with a weapons crime, and you want to work with a South Florida criminal defense attorney who truly understands and appreciates guns and gun culture, Antonio Valiente should be the first person you call.
Posted in: Gun Laws